Diaper Bag Edition
Having read countless lists of diaper bag essentials that left me wondering exactly how bulky (and heavy!) all of those necessities were, I decided to create my own diaper bag guide. With seven months of parenting experience under my belt this is, of course, the final word on efficient diaper bags. Obviously. ;)
Also, as I seem to have lost the ability to retain or convert anything in my short-term memory, this post gets to pull double-duty as a reminder to myself when I'm trying to figure out what's missing. Am I the only one who blogs things partially because I need help remembering them? Anyone? Oh, well.
The Bag: Nothing fancy, but I love the insulated bottle pouch. The little tags on the pockets are a nice bonus: great for helping Chris find things quickly.
Having read countless lists of diaper bag essentials that left me wondering exactly how bulky (and heavy!) all of those necessities were, I decided to create my own diaper bag guide. With seven months of parenting experience under my belt this is, of course, the final word on efficient diaper bags. Obviously. ;)
Also, as I seem to have lost the ability to retain or convert anything in my short-term memory, this post gets to pull double-duty as a reminder to myself when I'm trying to figure out what's missing. Am I the only one who blogs things partially because I need help remembering them? Anyone? Oh, well.
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Our basics. |
The Bag: Nothing fancy, but I love the insulated bottle pouch. The little tags on the pockets are a nice bonus: great for helping Chris find things quickly.
Diapers: I always stock diapers for an entire day; the magic number is eight.
Wipes and Cream: One package of wipes, Bourdreaux's Extra Strength cream for combating diaper rash, and Crunchy Mamas balm for normal use.
Changing Pad: The zip-off changing pad from our portable changing station goes everywhere with us. Public changing tables give me the willies.
Plastic Bags: I always have three bags on hand for stinky diaper disposal. It's just plain rude to leave a public restroom reeking of soiled diaper.
Spare Outfit: For the winter, I've taken to packing one set of pajamas as a compact back up outfit for the off chance that there is an uncontrolled blowout.
Bib and Cloth: Reflux = extra spit up, so a spare bib and burp rag are handy.
Blanket:One of the biggest multi-taskers in the bag, we always take a blanket.
Sleep Sack: A must for our swaddle baby, especially when out past nap time.
Sleep Sack: A must for our swaddle baby, especially when out past nap time.
Feeding Supplies: We're still doing a nursing/bottle combo out of necessity, so a shield, nursing pads, bottle, and spare milk are always with us.
Pacifier and Toy: We use Ulubulu clips for both pacifiers and toys, but I always bring a spare binkie just in case. Our toys are usually just a rattle and Sophie.
Hand Sanitizer: A must during cold and flu season. I have been known to spray peoples hands as they are reaching for the baby. I pack hand lotion as well since winter + sanitizer/hand washing = super dry hands.
Optional: For day trips I pack a Plum Organics pouch, and we have a separate bag dedicated to pumping needs.
The Condensed Version: For extremely short trips I pull the changing pad out of the regular diaper bag and take the full station stocked with six diapers, mini diaper cream, ten wipes, and a onesie. But only on days when I feel brave.
"One of the most obvious results of having a baby around the house is to turn two good people into complete idiots, who probably wouldn't have been much worse than mere imbeciles without it."
Georges Courteline
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Out? |
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I can sit all by myself, Mom. I'm not lion! |
"One of the most obvious results of having a baby around the house is to turn two good people into complete idiots, who probably wouldn't have been much worse than mere imbeciles without it."
Georges Courteline