Sunday, November 25, 2012

Another Day, Another Trail

Two days at work, two days off, one day at work, and two more off. This is the kind of schedule that I could get used to... In all seriousness though, the Thanksgiving holiday couldn't have come at a better time - especially since the issues of last week are still making their presence known.

Chris and I are making an effort to explore more of the areas surrounding Boise, so we decided to head into the Boise National Forest to check out the Crooked River Trail on Sunday. The snow was a bit of a surprise, but it definitely enhanced the scenery. 

Aren't they cute?!

"If you want to make enemies, try to change something."
Woodrow Wilson


Jniz said...

Ha I the president quotes and the scenery is beautiful !"Snow....Snow... Snowwwwwww!" name that quote.

Aargh! The Simple Life? said...

I know where it's from. Does look like a beautiful area. You all look great!

Everyday Obscurity said...

@Jniz: White Christmas, obviously! @Simple Life: thanks!